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本帖最后由 red 于 2025-1-13 21:03 编辑

Strategic partnership launched
SICK and Endress+Hauser join forces in process automation
建立战略合作伙伴关系,SICK 与 Endress+Hauser 联手实现过程自动化

    SICK and Endress+Hauser are bringing their strategic partnership in process automation to life: SICK’s advanced gas analysis and flow measurement technology is now an integral part of Endress+Hauser’s comprehensive instrumentation portfolio. The collaboration is designed to offer customers in the process industry enhanced support in increasing plant efficiency, protecting the environment and reducing carbon footprint.
   SICK 和 Endress+Hauser 在过程自动化领域的战略合作伙伴关系成为现实:SICK 先进的气体分析和流量测量技术现已成为 Endress+Hauser 综合仪表产品组合不可或缺的一部分。此次合作旨在为过程工业客户提供更好的支持,以提高工厂效率、保护环境和减少碳足迹。
   Expanded offering and expertise
   As a result of the strategic partnership, around 800 sales and service employees from SICK will transfer to Endress+Hauser across 42 countries. The collaboration in process automation will allow customers to access a broader range of products from a single source and benefit from enhanced expertise in gas measurement technology. With its global sales network, Endress+Hauser will access new customers, reach additional industries and tap into further application areas.
   作为战略合作伙伴关系的结果,SICK 的约 800 名销售和服务员工将转移到 42 个国家的 Endress+Hauser。过程自动化方面的合作将使客户能够从单一来源获得更广泛的产品,并从增强的气体测量技术专业知识中受益。Endress+Hauser凭借其全球销售网络,可以开拓新客户,触及更多行业,并开拓更多应用领域。
    Joint venture for development and manufacturing
    The production and further development of the gas analyzers and flowmeters were brought together under the umbrella of Endress+Hauser SICK GmbH+Co. KG. SICK and Endress+Hauser will each hold 50 percent of the joint venture as of 1 March 2025. The company employs around 730 people at several German sites and will collaborate closely with Endress+Hauser’s product centers to drive product innovation and meet evolving market demands.
  气体分析仪和流量计的生产和进一步开发由 Endress+Hauser SICK GmbH+Co. KG 负责。自 2025 年 3 月 1 日起,SICK 和 Endress+Hauser 将各持有合资企业 50% 的股份。公司在德国多个工厂拥有约 730 名员工,将与 Endress+Hauser 的产品中心密切合作,推动产品创新,满足不断变化的市场需求。
   Seamless business transition
    Hundreds of employees from both companies have been preparing for the smooth transition of the business in recent months. Now the gas measurement sales and service teams at Endress+Hauser are ready to provide support, and endress.com reflects the expanded range of products, solutions and services. Since 1 January 2025, Endress+Hauser has been exclusively marketing SICK’s gas analysis and flow measurement technology worldwide.
   近几个月来,两家公司的数百名员工一直在为业务的顺利过渡做准备。现在,Endress+Hauser的气体测量销售和服务团队随时准备提供支持,endress.com 反映了产品、解决方案和服务范围的扩大。自  2025 年 1 月 1 日起,Endress+Hauser 开始在全球范围内独家销售 SICK 气体分析和流量测量技术。
    In China, the transition will not take place until 1 March 2025 for technical reasons. In Türkiye and Saudi Arabia, sales and service will be transferred to Endress+Hauser in the first quarter.
    在中国,由于技术原因,过渡过程要到 2025 年 3 月 1 日才会进行。在土耳其和沙特阿拉伯,销售和服务将在第一季度转移到 Endress+Hauser。
    Stronger together than apart
  “This partnership is a perfect match,” said Dr Peter Selders, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group. “It creates new opportunities for growth and development, particularly in the sustainable transformation of the process industry. By joining forces, we offer added value to our customers. Our combined efforts will make us faster and ultimately more successful than if we acted alone. In this case, one and one equals more than two.”
“这种合作关系是完美的结合,”Endress+Hauser集团首席执行官Peter Selders博士说。“它为增长和发展创造了新的机会,尤其是在流程工业的可持续转型方面。通过强强联手,我们为客户提供附加值。我们的共同努力将使我们更快,并最终比我们单独行动更成功。在这种情况下,1+1≥ 2。
  Opportunities for growth and development
  “We are pleased that the strategic partnership for process automation is now starting. Together, we can better support customers worldwide and guide them into a sustainable future with leading technological solutions. We are convinced that the transformation of the process industry offers enormous opportunities for growth and development, which we will optimally leverage as strong partners,” said Dr Mats Gökstorp, chairman of the executive board of SICK AG.
“我们很高兴过程自动化的战略合作伙伴关系现已开始。我们可以共同更好地为全球客户提供支持,并通过领先的技术解决方案引导他们走向可持续的未来。我们相信,过程工业的转型为增长和发展提供了巨大的机会,作为强大的合作伙伴,我们将以最佳方式加以利用“,SICK AG 执行董事会主席 Mats Gökstorp 博士说。
  Thanks to employees
    The CEOs expressed their gratitude to employees on both sides who contributed to establish this partnership. “Above all, we thank all the employees who have made the process automation business strong with their expertise and commitment and will continue this success story with the strategic partnership,” said Mats Gökstorp. Peter Selders added: “We look forward to working with the people joining us and the joint venture to build something new and make this partnership a success.”
   首席执行官们对为建立这种伙伴关系做出贡献的双方员工表示感谢。“最重要的是,我们感谢所有以专业知识和承诺使过程自动化业务变得强大的员工,并将通过战略合作伙伴关系继续这一成功故事,”Mats Gökstorp 说。Peter Selders 补充道:“我们期待与加入我们和合资企业的人合作,建立新的东西,使这种伙伴关系取得成功。
  Factory & logistics automation not part of the partnership
   SICK is one of the world’s leading solution providers for sensor-based applications in the industrial sector. With 60 subsidiaries and shareholdings as well as numerous agencies, SICK maintains a presence around the globe. The company has over 12,000 employees worldwide and generated consolidated sales of 2.3 billion euros in the 2023 financial year. The core business of factory and logistics automation, which accounts for more than 80 percent of sales, will not be affected by this partnership.
  SICK 是世界领先的工业领域基于传感器的应用解决方案提供商之一。SICK 拥有 60 家子公司和参股公司以及众多代理机构,业务遍及全球。公司在全球拥有 12,000 多名员工,2023 财年的综合销售额为 23 亿欧元。占销售额 80% 以上的工厂和物流自动化核心业务不会受到此次合作的影响。
Family-owned companies with strong values
    As family-owned companies, SICK and Endress+Hauser share similar values and corporate cultures. The German sensor manufacturer and the Swiss measurement and automation technology specialist signed a memorandum of understanding in fall 2023 and a cooperation agreement in summer 2024.
  作为家族企业,SICK 和 Endress+Hauser 拥有相似的价值观和企业文化。这家德国传感器制造商和瑞士测量与自动化技术专家于 2023 年秋季签署了谅解备忘录,并于 2024 年夏季签署了合作协议。

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