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雅斯科获得2024 年制造业最佳工作场所奖









Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2024-10-4 13:48:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 red 于 2024-10-4 14:02 编辑

Stratford, Connecticut, July 10, 2024 – Ashcroft, a global leader in pressure and temperature measurement instrumentation, received national recognition as a 2024 Manufacturing Top Workplaces award winner. Out of the 89 national winners, Ashcroft was the only Connecticut-based company to earn the Top Workplaces title.
康涅狄格州斯特拉特福德,2024 年 7 月 10 日 – 压力和温度测量仪器的全球领导者 雅斯科(Ashcroft 荣获 2024 年制造业最佳工作场所奖。在 89 家全国获奖者中,Ashcroft 是唯一一家获得 Top Workplaces 称号的康涅狄格州公司。
The Top Workplaces program was developed by Energage LLC and has a 17-year history of surveying and celebrating organizations that have built a people-first workplace culture both nationally and across 60 regional markets within their sector. This award highlights Ashcroft as an employer of choice for those seeking employment in the manufacturing industry.
最佳工作场所计划由 Energage LLC 开发,拥有 17 年的调查和庆祝组织的历史,这些组织在全国和其行业的 60 个区域市场中建立了以人为本的工作场所文化。该奖项凸显了阿什克罗夫特作为制造业求职者的首选雇主。
Top Workplaces awards are based on feedback from a research-backed employee engagement survey. Details about how Ashcroft builds a great workplace culture are available on Top Workplaces.
最佳工作场所奖基于研究支持的员工敬业度调查的反馈。有关 Ashcroft 如何建立良好职场文化的详细信息,请访问 Top Workplaces。

Top Workplaces官网截图

“Earning a Top Workplaces award is a badge of honor for companies, especially because it comes authentically from their employees,” said Eric Rubino, Energage CEO. “That’s something to be proud of. In today’s market, leaders must ensure they’re allowing employees to have a voice and be heard. That’s paramount. Top Workplaces do this, and it pays dividends.”
“获得最佳工作场笔枪镜娜儆照拢绕涫且蛭嬲醋栽惫ぃ盓nergage 首席执行官 Eric Rubino 说。“这是值得骄傲的事情。在当今的市场中,领导者必须确保他们允许员工发表意见并被听到。这是最重要的。Top Workplaces 就是这样做的,而且会带来回报。
“Ashcroft is proud to be named a 2024 national Top Workplaces winner for manufacturing and honored to be the only Connecticut company to achieve this prestigious recognition! We are proud of the culture we created where employees are empowered to take an active role in their career development, feel valued for their individual contributions, and know that they are part of a team that cares,” said Sheila Nevins, Vice President of Human Resources. “Collaboration, respect, and teamwork are the building blocks of our success, so receiving this award based on employee feedback makes it that much more meaningful.”
“雅斯科很自豪能够被评为 2024 年全国制造业最佳工作场所奖,并很荣幸成为康涅狄格州唯一一家获得这一殊荣的公司!我们为我们创造的文化感到自豪,在这种文化中,员工有权在他们的职业发展中发挥积极作用,因为他们的个人贡献而受到重视,并且知道他们是充满爱心的团队的一员,“人力资源副总裁 Sheila Nevins 说。“协作、尊重和团队合作是我们成功的基石,因此根据员工反馈获得这个奖项使其更有意义。”
Ashcroft manufactures.jpg


Ashcroft manufactures gauges, thermometers, switches, transducers, transmitters, data loggers, calibration equipment and isolators for pressure measurement, monitoring and control. Product brands include Ashcroft, Heise, Willy, Weksler, Rüeger and Stiko. As a global provider, Ashcroft Inc. maintains a network of manufacturing facilities, sales offices and distributors worldwide.
Ashcroft(雅斯科) 生产用于压力测量、监测和控制的仪表、温度计、开关、传感器、变送器、数据记录器、校准设备和隔离器。产品品牌包括 Ashcroft、Heise、Willy、Weksler、Rüeger 和 Stiko。作为一家全球供应商,雅斯科在全球拥有制造工厂、销售办事处和分销商网络。

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