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本帖最后由 red 于 2018-10-15 20:18 编辑

         Canadian Firm to Operate Alongside Existing Process Sensing Technologies Companies
               Michell Instruments, Analytical Industries and Rotronic
加拿大LDetek公司与Michell Instruments,Analytical Industries和Rotronic

BOSTON, SAN FRANCSICO AND HERZLIYA, Israel--(June 6, 2018) - Battery Ventures, a global technology investment firm, has reached an agreement for its platform in the process-measurement market, Process Sensing Technologies (PST), to acquire LDetek, a global manufacturer of gas chromatography instruments and online analyzers.
    波士顿,圣弗朗西斯科和赫兹利亚,以色列 - (2018年6月6日) - 全球技术投资公司Battery Ventures已与过程测量市场(过程传感技术(PST))达成协议收购LDetek,他是全球气相色谱仪器和在线分析仪制造商。

     LDetek, which is based in Thetford Mines, Quebec, will join Battery’s existing portfolio of process-measurement and instrumentation companies. These include Analytical Industries Inc. and Michell Instruments, both acquired in 2016, and Rotronic AG, acquired in 2017. Terms of the LDetek transaction were not disclosed.
     总部位于魁北克省Thetford Mines的LDetek将加入Battery现有的过程测量和仪器投资组合公司,其中包括2016年收购的Analytical Industries Inc.和Michell Instruments,以及2017年收购的Rotronic AG.LDetek交易条款尚未披露。

     Founded in 2009, LDetek now has a significant global footprint and is a well-known provider of gas chromatography and online analyzer products. The company uses a proprietary plasma-emission detector (“PED”) technology to deliver highly sensitive measurement capabilities to customers in industries such as such as specialty / high purity gas, semiconductors, laboratories, and environmental monitoring.
     LDetek成立于2009年,目前在全球范围内占据重要地位,是气相色谱和在线分析仪产品的知名供应商。 该公司使用专有的等离子体发射检测器(“PED”)技术,为特殊/高纯度气体,半导体,实验室和环境监测等行业的客户提供高灵敏度的测量功能。

    The company was founded by Louis Paradis and Dany Gagne, both of whom will continue on as president and CTO, respectively. They will work closely with PST Group CEO Adam Markin to manage the business.
     该公司由Louis Paradis和Dany Gagne创立,他们两人将分别继续担任总裁兼首席技术官。 他们将与PST集团首席执行官Adam Markin密切合作,共同管理业务。

“LDetek’s focus on gas chromatography and analysis is extremely complementary to the other businesses in PST’s portfolio, and will enable PST to offer a complete solution in a number of key applications,” said Markin. “We are excited to welcome LDetek to the global PST family.”
“LDetek专注于气相色谱和分析,与PST产品组合中的其他业务极为互补,并将使PST能够在许多关键应用中提供完整的解决方案,”Markin说。 “我们很高兴欢迎LDetek加入全球PST大家庭。”

“We’re very much looking forward to joining the PST group of companies and believe this partnership will provide LDetek with many valuable resources as we continue to grow and develop our business globally,” said Louis Paradis, LDetek’s president. Added Dany Gagne, CTO: “We see many synergies in this partnership and are excited to work with PST and Battery.
“我们非常期待加入PST集团公司,并相信这种伙伴关系将为LDetek提供许多宝贵的资源,因为我们将继续在全球发展和发展我们的业务,”LDetek总裁Louis Paradis说。 首席技术官Dany Gagne补充道:“我们看到这种合作伙伴关系中存在很多协同效应,我们很高兴与PST和Battery合作。”
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