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Schneider 施耐德电气收购应用仪器技术公司(AIT)









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发表于 2017-3-30 22:41:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 red 于 2021-8-22 03:56 编辑

Schneider Electric Acquires Applied Instrument Technologies

  • New analyzer capability to drive operational profitability for process industry customers
  • 新的分析仪功能可为流程行业客户带来运营盈利能力
  • Complements and strengthens the company’s process measurement, automation and safety offerings
  • 补充并加强了公司的流程测量,自动化和安全产品
  • Improves fuels-blending analysis, costs, efficiency and project execution
  • 改进燃料混合分析,成本,效率和项目执行

      FOXBORO, MASS. – October 24, 2016 – Schneider Electric, the global specialist in energy management and automation, has acquired Applied Instrument Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of online process analyzers for the hydrocarbon, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical and steel-making industries. The acquisition adds to Schneider Electric’s process automation portfolio that already includes Foxboro plant instrumentation, Foxboro and PlantStruxure PES process automation systems, Modicon PAC systems and Triconex safety systems.           

      福克斯波罗,MASS。-  2016年10月24日 - 全球能源管理和自动化专家施耐德电气收购了应用仪器技术公司(AIT),该公司是碳氢化合物,石化,化工,制药和炼钢行业在线过程分析仪的领先供应商。 此次收购增加了施耐德电气的过程自动化产品组合,其中包括Foxboro工厂仪表,Foxboro和PlantStruxure PES过程自动化系统,Modicon PAC系统和Triconex安全系统。

      Based in Upland, Calif., AIT has an installed base of more than 1,000 systems and a breadth of spectroscopy and chromatography solutions, including a comprehensive portfolio of process analyzers and associated implementation services. Its technology improves process optimization, asset protection and compliance with environmental regulations, allowing customers to better manage and improve their operational profitability.
     AIT总部位于加利福尼亚州的Upland,拥有1000多套系统和广泛的光谱和色谱解决方案,包括全面的过程分析仪和相关实施服务。 其技术改进了流程优化,资产保护和环境法规合规性,使客户能够更好地管理和提高其运营盈利能力。

     “AIT enhances our portfolio and strengthens our position as one of the world’s leading providers of process automation systems, solutions and services,” said Gary Freburger, president, Schneider Electric’s Process Automation business. “Growing our capabilities is a critical part of our strategy to help our customers transform their businesses, improve their operational profitability and realize the future of automation. We are excited to add AIT and its accomplished team, and we will work closely and diligently with them to effect a seamless transition for our customers and other stakeholders.”

     “AIT增强了我们的产品组合,巩固了我们作为全球领先的过程自动化系统,解决方案和服务供应商之一的地位,”施耐德电气过程自动化业务总裁Gary Freburger说。 “发展我们的能力是我们帮助客户转变业务,提高运营盈利能力和实现自动化未来战略的重要组成部分。 我们很高兴能够加入AIT及其成功的团队,我们将与他们密切合作,为我们的客户和其他利益相关者实现无缝过渡。“

       Company leaders said the addition of AIT improves Schneider Electric’s competitiveness and its ability to deliver broad, multi-stream, multi-component analytical systems with less project risk and execution time. As a single source provider, the combined offering provides additional flexibility in terms of how the company can price, position and package its process automation solutions. The acquisition builds on a partnership the two companies established in 2015.
      公司领导表示,AIT的加入提高了施耐德电气的竞争力,以及提供广泛,多流,多组分分析系统的能力,同时降低了项目风险和执行时间。 作为单一来源提供商,该组合产品在公司如何定价,定位和打包其过程自动化解决方案方面提供了额外的灵活性。 此次收购建立在两家公司于2015年建立的合作关系之上。

       “As a trusted partner, AIT enabled us to offer one integrated solution for enhanced process analysis, control and asset protection, improving efficiencies and adding significant value for our customers,” said Chris Lyden, senior vice president, Process Automation, Schneider Electric. “Formally adding them to our business not only increases the value we are able to provide to existing strategic accounts, it fortifies us in new markets. In short, we’ll be able to bring far more business value to customers we already share while enhancing our cross-selling abilities and opportunities.”
       “作为值得信赖的合作伙伴,AIT使我们能够提供一个集成解决方案,用于增强过程分析,控制和资产保护,提高效率并为我们的客户增加重要价值,”施耐德电气过程自动化高级副总裁Chris Lyden说。 “将它们正式添加到我们的业务不仅可以增加我们能够为现有战略账户提供的价值,还可以在新市场中加强我们的业务。 简而言之,我们将能够为我们已经分享的客户带来更多商业价值,同时增强我们的交叉销售能力和机会。“

       Experts believe the acquisition also provides Schneider Electric the ability to extend its process measurement, automation and safety solutions to a broader customer base, especially in fuels blending, petrochemicals and gas processing.

       “This acquisition helps to advance Schneider Electric’s position in the refining, petrochemical and gas processing markets, enabling a more integrated and scalable control, safety and measurement portfolio,” according to Craig Resnick, vice president, ARC Advisory Group. “ARC expects these complementary offerings will enable additional customer value, especially safety, reliability and efficiency gains for both customer sets, helping Schneider Electric’s customers to become more cost-competitive and reduce risk and execution time on projects. The acquisition also opens up additional services, R&D and global execution capabilities for existing AIT customers, while improving AIT’s abilities to fulfill major projects.”
     “此次收购有助于提升施耐德电气在炼油,石化和天然气加工市场的地位,实现更加集成和可扩展的控制,安全和测量产品组合,”ARC咨询集团副总裁Craig Resnick表示。 “ARC希望这些互补产品能够为客户提供额外的客户价值,特别是安全性,可靠性和效率,帮助施耐德电气的客户提高成本竞争力,降低项目的风险和执行时间。 此次收购还为现有AIT客户开辟了额外的服务,研发和全球执行能力,同时提高了AIT履行重大项目的能力。“

     “AIT has been building a highly successful organization for almost 20 years, one that has helped revolutionize process analysis in several important industries,” said Joe LaConte, president, AIT. “Our employees and industry thought leaders have the proven ability and expertise to develop and deliver groundbreaking tools and technology that help our customers improve their operational profitability. We look forward to capitalizing on and strengthening the synergies we have cultivated with Schneider Electric over the years.”
    “AIT已经建立了一个非常成功的组织近20年,它已经帮助革新了几个重要行业的过程分析,”AIT总裁Joe LaConte说。 “我们的员工和行业思想领袖拥有经过验证的能力和专业知识,可以开发和提供突破性的工具和技术,帮助我们的客户提高运营盈利能力。 我们期待着利用并加强我们多年来与施耐德电气共同培育的协同效应。

      AIT and its offerings will be fully integrated into Schneider Electric’s process automation business and will continue to be managed by its existing executive team.

     “We will work very closely with Schneider Electric to ensure there are no disruptions to our day-to-day operations,” LaConte said. “It will be business as usual for AIT, meaning our customers will have the same access to the exceptional people, products and technology they have always had. However, we are always looking to improve and grow. Becoming part of Schneider Electric is the best pathway to achieving that goal because we are now more able to develop and deliver better solutions and expand our sales and service capabilities. Tapping into Schneider Electric’s global resources not only helps us strengthen our portfolio and enter new markets sooner, it provides our employees more opportunities to pursue and achieve professional success as well.”
    “我们将与施耐德电气密切合作,确保我们的日常运营不会中断,”LaConte说。 “AIT将照常营业,这意味着我们的客户可以获得他们一直拥有的优秀人才,产品和技术。 但是,我们一直在寻求改进和发展。 成为施耐德电气的一部分是实现这一目标的最佳途径,因为我们现在能够更好地开发和提供更好的解决方案,并扩展我们的销售和服务能力。 利用施耐德电气的全球资源不仅有助于我们加强投资组合并更快进入新市场,还为我们的员工提供了更多追求和取得专业成功的机会。“

      The integration will be finalized in late 2017.

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