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本帖最后由 red 于 2022-8-12 12:34 编辑

Dear Valued Customers and Partners,

     We confirm that Shanghai RAYGE International Trading Co., Ltd and its relative companies are no longer representatives of MBW Calibration AG and are not entitled to sell MBW products in China, effective from July 15th, 2022.  This means that MBW products sold by RAYGE after July 15th, 2022, will no longer be entitled to any warranty and technical service support from MBW. The MBW products sold before July 15th, 2022, will not be affected.  Customers may now contact MBW directly for sales, service and support.   

      Process Insights Analysers (Suzhou) Co., Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Process Insights Co., Ltd in China, it is our sister company in China. It is fully and exclusively responsible for the qualification review of the distributors of all Process Insights brands (including MBW, LAR, COSA Xentaur, Tiger Optics, Extrel, ATOM, AOI, Hygrocontrol, etc.) in China. Process Insights Analysers (Suzhou) Co., Ltd provides our original factory warranty and after-sales service. In order to ensure your rights and interests, please do not purchase MBW products and services at the company without authorization by Process Insights Analysers (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.
      潽洛因思分析仪器(苏州)有限公司为我司在中国的兄弟公司,现已全权负责处理Process Insights 旗下所有品牌(包括MBW,LAR,COSA XentaurTiger Optics, Extrel, ATOM, AOI, Hygrocontrol等)产品在中国市场的分销及代理商授权事宜,提供我司原厂质保及售后服务。为保证您的权益,请勿从未经潽洛因思分析仪器(苏州)有限公司授权的公司处购买MBW产品及服务。

    In addition, we stated that the websites ww.mbw.ch / www.mbw.com.cn used by RAYGE has no connection with our MBW official website www.mbw.ch.
    另外,我司申明上海雷格所使用的www.mbw.cn / www.mbw.com.cn网站与我司(瑞士MBW)的官网www.mbw.ch无任何关联,我司已经劝阻其停用。

     About MBW Calibration      MBW has produced dew point mirror hygrometers since 1963. Over 55 years of development, manufacturing and application experience are integrated within todays product range.MBW Calibration is recognized internationally as a developer and supplier of high-quality chilled mirror dew point hygrometers used in a variety of humidity calibration, measurement and gas quality applications.  Most notably, MBW instruments provide the calibration traceability for many laboratories such as humidity instrument manufacturers and National Metrology Institutes.  MBW chilled dew point mirrors continue to be chosen as transfer standards for inter-laboratory comparisons both regionally and internationally.
   MBW 自 1963 年以来一直生产露点镜式湿度计。超过 55 年的开发、制造和应用经验整合到今天的产品范围。MBW Calibration 是国际公认的高品质冷镜露点湿度计开发商和供应商,用于各种湿度校准、测量和气体质量应用。最值得注意的是,MBW 仪器为湿度仪器制造商和国家计量研究所等许多实验室提供了校准可追溯性。MBW 冷冻露点镜继续被选为区域和国际实验室间比较的转换标准。

   MBW is the leading provider of SF6 gas quality analyzers based uniquely on chilled mirror technology that provides years of high precision and high stability measurements without frequent sensor replacement.  
   MBW 是 SF6 气体质量分析仪的领先供应商,该分析仪独特地基于冷镜技术,可提供多年的高精度和高稳定性测量,而无需频繁更换传感器。

   Greensboro, NC – December 1, 2020.  Process Insights, a portfolio company of Union Park Capital, announced today that it has acquired MBW Calibration AG (“MBW”)
北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯勒 – 2020 年 12 月 1 日。Union Park Capital 的投资组合公司 Process Insights 潽洛因思宣布已收购 MBW Calibration AG("MBW").

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