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--Copyright (C) 2000 Siemens Applied Automation, Inc.
--FILENAME     $Source: /usr/local/cvsroot/adv/db/text/alarm.001,v $
--Purpose :    the text for English(USA) language
--AUTHOR  :    Jim Welch         $Author: dhiatt $
--VERSION :    $Revision: 1.130 $  $Date: 2005/12/20 14:44:52 $
-- %1 is application  %1表示故障所在的应用ID号
-- %2 is stream  %2表示故障所在的流路ID号
-- %3 to %8 is context dependant (for io_status, %3 is status or error code, %4 is hardware id or IP address) 从%3至%8是故障关联参数(对于IO状态,%3表示状态或错误代码,%4表示硬件ID或IP地址)
99 Alarms
-- Message Handler
301 ? External Message: send failure %3
302 ? External Message: server lost
303 + External Message: Rec'd invalid communication from unit %3
304 + External Message: Orphan message received from %3  
305 ? External Message: Invalid Message Length for %3
306 + External Message: Send invalid communication to unit %3
307 ! External Message: Duplicate anlz_id %3 detected ; setting to zero
308 ! External Message: Duplicate UNIT %3 detected; setting loop/unit to zero
309 ? External Message: RUD:Unit does not respond; loop/unit %3
310 ? External Message: Unit not known for %3
311 ? External Message: Error for Activation of EVT on %3
312 ? External Message: Send error for %3
313 ? External Message: Invalid TOR sequence on %3
314 ? External Message: Anlz: %3 & Anlz: %4 have L/U conflict
315 ? External Message: Anlz id exceeds allowable limit for ADH
316 ? External Message: Host: Anlz 1 to 50 config conflict
317 ? External Message: Host: for anlz 51-254 stream>1 or # of components>9
318 ? External Message: Host: invalid data received from anlz
319 ? External Message: no results marked to transmit for stream %3
320 ? External Message: %3 Timeout for %4
321 + External Message connection opened on: %3
322 ? no ADH connection detected %3 failed
323 ? External Message: Invalid LOOP %3 detected ; setting loop/unit to zero
-- SNE comm errors = 330
331 ! Run Method: No SNE found or bad status on module: %3
332 ! Run Method: No module found for detr: %3
333 ! Run Method: No Detr found or bad status for method.channel: %3
334 ! Run Method: No Channel found for method: %3
335 + SNE connection opened on %3
336 ! SNE connection closed on %3 error: %4
337 ! SNE connection replaced on %3
338 ? SNE %3 Method %4 Can not Store Chrom
339 ? SNE %3 Method %4 Application %5 not found
340 ! SNE %3 Method %4 Load - Invalid Method
341 ! SNE %3 Method %4 Inactive
342 ! SNE %3 Method %4 Load - Max Method exceeded
343 ! SNE %3 Method %4 Load - Invalid Mode
344 ! SNE %3 Method %4 status - unknown error %5
345 ! Stream Valve does not exist
346 ! SNE %3 Write IO %4 does not exist %5
347 ! SNE %3 Read  IO %4 does not exist
348 ! SNE %3 RT chrom %4 does not exist
349 ! SNE %3 Method %4 - Write attempted on active method
350 ! SNE Module I/O error 0x %3 on %4
351 ! SNE pSOS error 0x %3 on %4
352 ! SNE pSOS Driver error 0x %3 on %4
353 ! SNE AAi Driver error 0x %3 on %4
354 ? SNE TFTP load Error on %3 : %4
355 ? SNE FLASH Driver Error on %3 : %4
356 ! SNE %3 Stream/Method %4 / %5 does not exist
357 ! SNE Method %3 - Invalid message argument
358 ! SNE Invalid I/O Write from SNE on %4 , command %5
359 ! SNE I/O not found on I/O Write from SNE: %4
-- SNE alarms
360 ! %3 %4
361 ? %3 %4
362 + %3 %4
363 ! invalid function request %3 from SYSCON
364 ? No realtime buffer exists for detector %3 on DPM %4
365 ! Incomplete Analysis on channel %3
366 ! Data Corruption Error
367 ! System Error %3 in File %4 line %5
368 ! Unable to find %3 number %4
369 ! Unsupported channel type %3
370 ? No channel %3 on DPM %4 for realtime display
371 ! Invalid channel acquisition overlap on %3
372 ! Scheduling error %3 scanning %4 # %5 channel %6
373 ! Module I/O error %3 on %4 # %5 channel %6
374 ! Internal communication error %3
375 ! End of cycle missed; stopping cycle
376 + Adjusting cycle clock master
377 ! Error %3 scheduling cycle clock master adjustment
378 + %3 samples adjusted on chrom from channel %4
379 ! Error %3 preparing analysis for channel %4
380 ! Error %3 finding chrom peaks for channel %4
381 ! Error %3 generating results for channel %4
382 ! EZchrom server failed error %3 on channel %4
383 ? Software Watchdog Timeout
384 ! Method Modification Failed
385 ? Event Occured before modification request
386 ! Invalid Cycle Length %3
387 ! Invalid Sample Rate %3 on channel %4
388 ! Acquisition time greater than cycle length on channel %3
389 ! Invalid Event Type %3 for event %4
390 ! Invalid Start Time %3 for event %4
391 ? %3 messages not sent to Syscon from SNE
392 ? %3 Detector underflows detected on channel %4 of module %5
393 ? %3 Detector opens detected on channel %4 of module %5
394 ? %3 Unexpected Calibration points on channel %4 of module %5
395 ? %3 Detector overflows on channel %4 of module %5
396 ! SNE out of memory at %3 line %4
397 ! Invalid Trace from channel %3
398 ! Invalid Number of Temperature Program Segments
399 + Results not calculated for Channel %3
400 ! Sync Bus Failure %3
401 ! No detector present for configured detector %3
402 + SNE reset requested
403 ! Configured Detector %3 Balance Failure
404 ? All Methods must be in Hold before Configuring Detectors
405 ! Method not on tracking list: Count = %3 Track ID = %4
406 ! Error %3 Monitoring Purge Signal
407 ? SysCon-SNE Communications Overload Detected
408 ? Spurious detector acquisition
409 ? SNE low on Memory
420 ! Heartbeat timeout
421 ! Heartbeat lost
422 ! Cannot connect to RSP
423 ! Method %3 has more than 8 simultaneous events
424 ! Method %3 has more than 255 events--
460 ! Invalid Method Write
461 ! Argument %3 , Invalid Type %4
462 ! Invalid Method Section %3
463 ! Unable to Run Method, Hardware Initializing
464 ! Unable to Run Method, Instrument Busy
465 ! Error Running Method
466 ! Error Installing Method
467 ! Error Retrieving Method
468 ! Unable to Run Method, Not on Method List
469 ! Invalid component results
470 ! Invalid Spectrum results
471 ! Invalid calibration file %3 line %4
472 ? Unknown method status %3
473 ? Multiple component sets not allowed
474 ? Multiple component scans not allowed
475 ! Component report invalid
476 ! Arguments do not match script
477 ! Component report with no associated method
478 ! Internal reset commanded
511 ! Program Failed event # %3 %4
512 ? Program execution cancelled: event # %3
513 ! Program Failed: Run requested on running event # %3
514 ! Program Invalid frequency; disabling event # %3
515 ? Program Overrun for event # %3
561 + Ezchrom download
562 + Ezchrom upload for app %1 method %3
--DATABASE = 670
671 ! Database: Failure: %3
672 ! Database: Remote Service lost on %3
673 ! Database:value > limit: %3
674 ! Database value < limit: %3
675 ! Database: No Stream at cycle start on applicaton %1
676 ! Database: delay limit exceeded on stream %3
677 ! Next Stream Error
678 ! End of Cycle occured before events complete
679 ! Application is out of service
680 ? print job failed: %3 for Printer: %4
681 ! Application is disabled
682 ! Database: i/o failure: %3
683 ! Database: no normal sequence for application: %3
684 ! Database: no enabled entries in sequence
685 ? Printer: TCP connection or queue failed  
686 ? Printer: TCP Print failed
687 ! Results for cycle %3 lost due to SNE reset
688 ! method is corrupt: %3 reload from EZChrom
689 ! Database: Fault on Slave Application %3
690 ! Database: Slave Application not Complete %3
691 ? Database: Warning: %3
692 ! Database: Divide by zero in %3
693 ? Database: i/o warning: %3
694 ? Database:value > limit: %3
695 ? Database value < limit: %3
696 ? DB: Screen access denied
697 ! DB: Run requested on disabled program: %3
698 ? MODBUS: NAU %3 not available to receive results
699 ? MODBUS: result is not in address map  %3
700 ? MODBUS: Analyzer %3 not available to receive host commands
701 ? MODBUS: scale factor or euhi absent for %3
702 ? MODBUS: host command for %3 invalid; undefined database location
703 ? MODBUS: host command for undefined address: %3
704 ? MODBUS: host can't write to this address: %3
705 ? MODBUS: modbus_msg_buffer can't be processed: %3
706 ? MODBUS: can't locate euhi %3
707 ? Calibration rejected: margin exceeded for %3
708 ? MODBUS: Data type failure for address: %3
709 ! DB: AI averaging %3
710 ? DB: AI averaging %3
711 + Database: %3
712 ! %6 Start Ver: %3 - %4 on %5
713 + System backed up
714 + All alarms cleared
715 + Database Build
716 ! DB: Invalid Sourcekey or SourceAttribute for StatMon table: id %3
717 ? DB: Calibration : margin check/reports are invalid for curve type
718 ? Validation failed for %3
719 + Database: SNE reset requested
720 ? Database: Reprocess during Run not allowed
721 + Database: Application in service
722 ? Reference Component not found; Component %3 , Reference %4
723 ! Database: Method id %3 not found
724 ? Calibration or Validation failed; application in hold
725 ? DB: Method %3 halted
726 ! DB: Slave application stream is invalid %3
727 ? DB: Master app autocalibration completed before Slave app %3
728 ? DB: application cannot autocalibrate
729 ! DB: message processing timeout for message %3; attempting recovery
730 ! DB: Unnamed peak processing exceeded(2000) for channel %3
731 ! CAN initialization failure for application %3
732 ! IO: underflow or lower failsafe condition detected for %3
733 ! IO: overflow or upper failsafe condition detected for %3
734 ! %3 Process not communicating
-- OS errors
801 ? System Error %3 in File %4 line %5
802 ? Error %3 opening Flash File %4
803 ? Error %3 closing Flash File
804 ? Error %3 reading Flash File
805 ? Error %3 writing Flash File
806 ? Memory Corruption Error from Task %3
807 + Region 0 Memory Low: %3
808 + Excessive Network Communications
809 + System is excessively busy
810 ? Invalid dbdat file
811 + Excessive Maxum broadcasts were dropped
812 ? Network communication overload
813 + Syscon-SNE Comm Debug: %3
814 ? Invalid CMOS time, check the battery
-- customer and General errors 900-999
997 + %3
998 ? %3
999 ! %3
-- I2C Common Module Errors 1000-1299
1002 ! Id Key Not Connected on %4
1003 ! Id Key Change on %4
1004 ! EEprom Bad Checksum on %4
1005 ! Temp Diag Error on %4
1007 ! Firmware Fault on %4
1008 ! EEprom Bad Value on %4
1009 ! Local I2C error on %4
1010 ! Fatal error on %4
1041 ? AO Out Of Range on %4
1042 ? Invalid Group Channel on %4
1043 ? Invalid EEprom Address on %4
1044 ? Board over-heating on %4
1045 ? Output Locked on %4
1081 + Data Not Ready on %4
1082 + Reset Detect on %4 %5
1083 + Power Up on %4 %5
1084 + I2C Timeout on %4
1085 + I2C Read Past End on %4
1086 + I2C Buffer Overflow on %4
1087 + I2C Write Past End on %4
1088 + I2C Resync Error on %4
1089 + I2C Write Unexpected Stop on %4
1090 + I2C Write Unexpected Start on %4
1091 + I2C Write Before Read on %4
1092 + I2C Read Unexpected on %4
1093 + I2C Invalid Checksum on %4
1094 ! Data not available on %4
1095 + Invalid Message on %4
1121 ! Firmware Math error on %4
1122 ! Firmware Mem error on %4
1123 ! Firmware Table error on %4
1124 ! Firmware Watchdog on %4
1125 ! Firmware System Monitor on %4
1126 ! Firmware Application on %4
1127 ! Firmware Stack Overflow on %4
1128 ! Firmware Unknown Reset on %4
--SVCM Specific Errors 1300-1599
1317 ! Valve Switch Error on %4
1318 ! J10 Disconnected on %4
1319 ! J11 Disconnected on %4
-- PECM Specific Errors 1600-1899
1617 ! LWH1 Output Fault on %4
1618 ! Lwh2 Output Fault on %4
1619 ! Lwh3 Output Fault on %4
1620 ! Lwh4 Output Fault on %4
1621 ! Lwh5a Output Fault on %4
1622 ! Lwh5b Output Fault on %4
1623 ! Lwh6a Output Fault on %4
1624 ! Lwh6b Output Fault on %4
1625 ! ABH1 Output Fault on %4
1626 ! ABH2 Output Fault on %4
1627 ! ABH Ctrl Plug Missing  on %4
1628 ! ABH Air Plug Missing on %4
1629 ! Purge Indicator not available on %4
1630 ! The low wattage relay board is missing
1633 ! Output error on solenoid valve, left location, left group
1634 ! Output error on solenoid valve, left location, right group
1635 ! Output error on solenoid valve, right location, left group
1636 ! Output error on solenoid valve, right location, right group
1637 ! Output error on solenoid valve, upper location, left group
1638 ! Output error on solenoid valve, upper location, right group
1657 ? ABH1 No Air on %4
1658 ? ABH2 No Air on %4
1659 ? Invalid Configuration on %4
1665 ? Solenoid valve disconnected, left location, left group
1666 ? Solenoid valve disconnected, left location, right group
1667 ? Solenoid valve disconnected, right location, left group
1668 ? Solenoid valve disconnected, right location, right group
1669 ? Solenoid valve disconnected, upper location, left group
1670 ? Solenoid valve disconnected, upper location, right group
1697 ? Purge Loss on %4
--DPM-TCD 1900-2199
1917 ! Balance Hardware Failure TCD L %5 on %4
1918 ! Balance Hardware Failure TCD U %5 on %4
1919 ! A/D Failure TCD L %5 on %4
1920 ! A/D Failure TCD U %5 on %4
1921 ! PIC Timeout on %4
1922 ! Incompatible Hardware on %4
-- new @3.2
1925 ! Glow Plug bad
1926 ! Invalid PIC index
1927 ! Mezzanine disconnected
1928 ! Mezzanine ID changed
1929 ! Mezzanine ID invalid
1930 ! Mezzanine ID reserved
1957 ! Balance Failure TCD L %5 on %4
1958 ! Balance Failure TCD U %5 on %4
1959 ? Balance Out Of Limit TCD L %5 on %4
1960 ? Balance Out Of Limit TCD U %5 on %4
--new @3.2
1965 ? Flame ignition failure
1966 ? Gain override
1967 ? Gain select not supported
1968 ? Igniter type changed
1997 ! Buffer Overflow TCD L %5 on %4
1998 ! Buffer Overflow TCD U %5 on %4
1999 ! Detector Disabled on %4
-- new @3.2
2005 ! Flame out
2006 ! Bias off
--DPM-FID 2200-2499
2217 ! Balance Hardware Failure FID on %4
2218 ! Balance Hardware Failure TCD on %4
2219 ! A/D Failure FID %5 on %4
2220 ! A/D Failure TCD %5 on %4
2221 ! PIC Timeout on %4
2222 ! Incomplete Hardware on %4
2225 ! Glow Plug Bad on %4
-- new @3.2
2226 ! Invalid PIC index
2227 ! Mezzanine disconnected
2228 ! Mezzanine ID changed
2229 ! Mezzanine ID invalid
2230 ! Mezzanine ID reserved
2257 ! Balance Failure FID on %4
2258 ! Balance Failure TCD on %4
2259 ? Balance Out Of Limit FID on %4
2260 ? Balance Out Of Limit TCD on %4
2265 ? Flame Ignition Failure on %4
-- new @3.2
2266 ? Gain override
2267 ? Gain select not supported
2268 ? Igniter type changed
2297 ! Buffer Overflow FID on %4
2298 ! Buffer Overflow TCD on %4
2299 ! Detector Disabled on %4
2305 ! Flame Out on %4
2306 ! FID Bias Off on %4
--Access Bus Driver Errors 2500-2799
2500 ? I2C Premature Stop on %4
2501 ? I2C No Acknowledge (Module Disconnected?) on %4
2502 ? I2C NS486 Timeout Overflow on %4
2503 ? I2C Address is Odd on %4
2505 ? I2C Driver Not Initialized
2508 ? I2C Improper Acknowledge on %4
2509 ? I2C Invalid Message Checksum Received on %4
2510 ? I2C Module Not Found: %4
2511 ? I2C Invalid Opcode Received from %4
2512 ? I2C Error Reading ISR Queue
2513 ? I2C Message Too Big on %4
2515 ! I2C Address Table Full
2516 ? I2C Invalid Bus on %4
2518 ? I2C Unknown Address Received on %4
2519 ? I2C Invalid Data Type on %4
2520 ? I2C Invalid Number of I/O Channels on %4
2521 ? I2C Bus Conflict; Lost Arbitration on %4
2522 ? I2C Using a Free Message Buffer on %4
2523 ? I2C NS486SXF-C0 Patch Timeout on %4
2525 ? I2C Invalid Driver Control Command on %4
2526 ? I2C Capability Information Too Big on %4
2527 ? I2C Message Lost in a Controller Reset: %4
2529 ? I2C Invalid Capability Version; Incompatible Firmware on %4
2530 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid Daemon Function on %4
2531 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid Info on %4
2532 ? I2C Invalid Device ID Version; Incompatible Firmware on %4
2534 ? I2C Internal Error; Bus Manager Invalid Command on %4
2537 ? I2C Address Table not initialized on %4
2538 ? I2C ISR Lockup
2539 ? I2C Invalid Message Status Size on %4
2540 ? I2C Message Too Short on %4
2541 + I2C FPGA Queue Full on %4
2542 ? I2C FPGA Write Before End on %4
2543 ? I2C FPGA Write After End on %4
2544 ? I2C FPGA Message Too Short on %4
2545 ? I2C FPGA Invalid Checksum on %4
2546 ? I2C FPGA Invalid Size on %4
2547 ! I2C Heartbeat Timeout Expired; Resetting Controller
2549 ? I2C Heartbeat Counter Mismatch on %4
2550 ? I2C Invalid Message Status on %4
2551 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid Block Structure ID on %4
2552 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid Block Offset on %4
2553 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid Block ID on %4
2554 ? I2C Internal Error; New Block Offset Non-Zero on %4
2555 ? I2C Internal Error; Block Table full
2556 ? I2C Not Enough Memory
2557 ? I2C Internal Error; Block Too Big on %4
2558 ? I2C Internal Error; Block Not Found on %4
2559 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid Block Size on %4
2560 ! I2C Driver OS and Application version mismatch
2562 ? I2C Internal Error; Bad state on %4
2563 ! I2C FPGA bad version
2564 ! I2C Temperature Block Version Invalid
2565 ? I2C Opcode not expected in current state on %4
2566 ! I2C Modules were reset following multiple errors
2567 ! I2C Header Index Mismatch; Message Lost
2568 ? I2C Internal Error; Invalid Block Index on %4
2569 ? I2C FPGA Queue Full on %4
2570 ? I2C FPGA Packet Too Big on %4
2571 ? I2C FPGA Recovery Failed on %4
2572 ? I2C FPGA Read in progress not set after header on %4
2573 ? I2C Not enough memory in ISR on %4
2574 ! I2C Pic Reset Detected on %4
2575 ? I2C General AO error on %4
2576 ? I2C General DO error on %4
2577 ? I2C bus configuration changed
--DPM - TEMP 2800-3099
2817 ! 12V Error on %4
2818 ! Setpoint Board Missing on %4
2819 ! RTD Failure 1 on %4
2820 ! RTD Failure 2 on %4
2823 ! SSR Cable 1 Missing on %4
2824 ! SSR Cable 2 Missing on %4
2825 ! A/D Failure on %4
2899 ! Over Temp Shutdown 1 on %4
2900 ! Over Temp Shutdown 2 on %4
2901 ? Deviation 1 Exceeded on %4
2902 ? Deviation 2 Exceeded on %4
2903 ? Ramp has no origin 1 on %4
2904 ? Ramp has no origin 2 on %4
--EPC 3100-3399
3117 ! Pressure 1 Out-Of-Control on %4
3118 ! Pressure 2 Out-Of-Control on %4
3119 ! A/D 1 Failure on %4
3120 ! A/D 2 Failure on %4
3157 ? Low Supply Pressure 1 on %4
3158 ? Low Supply Pressure 2 on %4
3159 ! Deviation 1 Exceeded on %4
3160 ! Deviation 2 Exceeded on %4
3161 ? Setpoint1 changed following a change in Max Pressure
3162 ? Setpoint2 changed following a change in Max Pressure
-- TFTP Driver 3400-3449
3401 ? TFTP Protocol Error
3402 ? TFTP Timeout
3403 ? TFTP Server out of Sync
3404 ? TFTP Server out of Sockets
3405 ? TFTP Max Channels exceeded
3406 ? TFTP Driver Not Initialized
-- TFTP Client 3450-3499
3450 ? TFTP Client Out of Memory
3451 ? TFTP Client Checksum Error
3452 ? TFTP Client Missing End of File
3453 ? TFTP Client Invalid OS File
3454 ? TFTP Client Invalid App File
-- ADVANCE 3500-3699
3500 ? Reserved
3501 ! Advance Adapter Initialization Failure
3502 ? Invalid Channel for Advance Adapter %4
3503 ? Advance Adapter Backplane Timeout on %4
3504 ? Advance Adapter Backplane Error on %4
3505 ? Resource for %4 not available on Advance Adapter
3516 ! No Advance Adapter detected
3517 ! Advance Adapter Driver Out of Memory
3518 ? Invalid Advance Adapter Driver Command
-- SNE Onboard i/o 3700-3999
3718 ! FPGA Error Full on %4
3719 ? FPGA error reset_W on %4
3720 ? FPGA error reset_R on %4
3721 ? FPGA error_W on %4
3722 ? FPGA error_R on %4
3725 ! Error SCL on %4
3726 ! Error SDA on %4
3727 ! I2C won't align on %4
3728 ? I2C msg not allowed on %4
3757 ? NACK address on %4
3758 ? NACK Byte on %4
3759 ? NACK Message on %4
3760 ? Invalid Checksum on %4
3761 ? Invalid Opcode on %4
3762 ? Invalid Message on %4
3763 ! Arbitration Loss on %4
3764 ? Timeout SCL on %4
3765 ? Timeout SDA on %4
3766 ? Bus Not Sync on %4
3767 ? Timeout Buffer on %4
3768 ? Invalid Handle on %4
3769 ? High I2C traffic on %4
3797 + Invalid Checksum Slave on %4
3798 + Invalid Message Slave on %4
3799 ? Invalid Status Summary on %4
3800 ? Module Not Ready on %4
3801 ? Invalid Status Data on %4
3802 ? Invalid Status Type on %4
3803 + Invalid Msg Size on %4
3804 + Arbitration Loss Slave on %4
-- EZCHROM 4000-4499
--4000 process manager alarms 0x100
4001 ? TFTP cannot load with active method %3
--4020 hardware contoller alarms
4022 ? I/O channel not found on %4
4024 ? Slope check failure on channel %4
4025 ? Detector channel underflow occurred on %4
4026 ? Detector channel open occurred on %4
4027 ? Detector channel overflow occurred on %4
4028 ? Detector channel unknown error occurred on %4
4029 ! Zero Correction failure on lower/right channel of %4
4030 ! Zero Correction failure on upper/left channel of %4
4031 ! Flame out on %4
4032 ? Purge Loss on %4
-- Advance CAN Bridge 4200-4499
4217 ! CAN:Underflow %4
4218 ! CAN: Overflow %4
4220 ! CAN: External AO uncalibrated
4257 ? CAN: Underflow
4258 ? CAN: Overflow
4259 ? CAN: Node init failure
4260 ? CAN: Node failure
4261 ? CAN: Bus HW init failure
4262 ? CAN: Bus HW Failure
4263 ? CAN: Invalid channel %4
4264 ? CAN: Node changed
4265 ? CAN: Receive Init Buffer Overflow
4266 ? CAN: Receive Heartbeat Buffer Overflow
4267 ? CAN: Receive I/O Buffer Overflow
4268 ? CAN: Transmit Buffer Overflow
4269 ? CAN: Channel not responding
4270 ? CAN: Hardware FIFO Overflow
4297 + CAN: init complete
4300 + CAN: Unrecognized card
4301 + CAN: Node 1 abnormal
4302 + CAN: Node 2 abnormal
4303 + CAN: Node 3 abnormal
4304 + CAN: Node 4 abnormal
4305 + CAN: Node 5 abnormal
4306 + CAN: Node 6 abnormal
4307 + CAN: Node 7 abnormal
4308 + CAN: Node 8 abnormal
4309 + CAN: Node 9 abnormal
4310 + CAN: Node 10 abnormal
4311 + CAN: Node 11 abnormal
4312 + CAN: Node 12 abnormal
4313 + CAN: Node 13 abnormal
4314 + CAN: Node 14 abnormal
4315 + CAN: Node 15 abnormal
4316 + CAN: Node 16 abnormal
4317 + CAN: Node 17 abnormal
4318 + CAN: Node 18 abnormal
4319 + CAN: Node 19 abnormal
4320 + CAN: Node 20 abnormal
-- Advance TC 4500-4799
4525 ! AD Failure on %4
4526 ! Over Temp Shutdown Power Supply Failure on %4
4557 ? Setpoint Changed following a change of Max Temp %4
4599 ! Over Temp Shutdown on %4
4601 ? Temperature Deviation Exceeded on %4
-- MAC IOC 4800-5099
4817 ! AI Underflow Fault on %4
4818 ! AI Overflow Fault on %4
4819 ! External ADC HW is not responding on %4
4820 ! External AO is not calibrated on %4
4821 ! External AI is not calibrated on %4
4857 ? External AI underflow on %4
4858 ? External AI overflow on %4
-- Generic I2C alarm 5100-5399
5117 !  Alarm 5117 on %4
5118 !  Alarm 5118 on %4
5119 !  Alarm 5119 on %4
5120 !  Alarm 5120 on %4
5121 !  Alarm 5121 on %4
5122 !  Alarm 5122 on %4
5123 !  Alarm 5123 on %4
5124 !  Alarm 5124 on %4
5125 !  Alarm 5125 on %4
5126 !  Alarm 5126 on %4
5127 !  Alarm 5127 on %4
5128 !  Alarm 5128 on %4
5129 !  Alarm 5129 on %4
5130 !  Alarm 5130 on %4
5131 !  Alarm 5131 on %4
5132 !  Alarm 5132 on %4
5133 !  Alarm 5133 on %4
5134 !  Alarm 5134 on %4
5135 !  Alarm 5135 on %4
5136 !  Alarm 5136 on %4
5137 !  Alarm 5137 on %4
5138 !  Alarm 5138 on %4
5139 !  Alarm 5139 on %4
5140 !  Alarm 5140 on %4
5157 ?  Warning 5157 on %4
5158 ?  Warning 5158 on %4
5159 ?  Warning 5159 on %4
5160 ?  Warning 5160 on %4
5161 ?  Warning 5161 on %4
5162 ?  Warning 5162 on %4
5163 ?  Warning 5163 on %4
5164 ?  Warning 5164 on %4
5165 ?  Warning 5165 on %4
5166 ?  Warning 5166 on %4
5167 ?  Warning 5167 on %4
5168 ?  Warning 5168 on %4
5169 ?  Warning 5169 on %4
5170 ?  Warning 5170 on %4
5171 ?  Warning 5171 on %4
5172 ?  Warning 5172 on %4
5173 ?  Warning 5173 on %4
5174 ?  Warning 5174 on %4
5175 ?  Warning 5175 on %4
5176 ?  Warning 5176 on %4
5177 ?  Warning 5177 on %4
5178 ?  Warning 5178 on %4
5179 ?  Warning 5179 on %4
5180 ?  Warning 5180 on %4
5197 ?  Warning 5157 on %4
5198 ?  Warning 5158 on %4
5199 ?  Warning 5159 on %4
5200 +  Note 5200 on %4
5201 +  Note 5201 on %4
5202 +  Note 5202 on %4
5203 +  Note 5203 on %4
5204 +  Note 5204 on %4
5205 +  Note 5205 on %4
5206 +  Note 5206 on %4
5207 +  Note 5207 on %4
5208 +  Note 5208 on %4
5209 +  Note 5209 on %4
5210 +  Note 5210 on %4
5211 +  Note 5211 on %4
5212 +  Note 5212 on %4
5213 +  Note 5213 on %4
5214 +  Note 5214 on %4
5215 +  Note 5215 on %4
5216 +  Note 5216 on %4
5217 +  Note 5217 on %4
5218 +  Note 5218 on %4
5219 +  Note 5219 on %4
5220 +  Note 5220 on %4
-- SAM TC 10000-10255
10000 ! Temperature control failure on %4
10001 ! Temperature sensor (RTD) of %4 defective
10002 ! Temperature deviation on %4 exceeds limits
10003 ! Temperature controller %4 disabled
10004 ! Carrier gas pressure low on %4
-- SAM TCD 10256-10511
10256 ! Detector %4 disabled
10257 ! Detector %4 shorted
10258 ! Detector %4 not connected
10259 ! Carrier gas pressure low on %4
-- SAM EPC 10512-10767
10512 ! Pressure controller %4 disabled
10513 ! A/D converter failure on %4
10514 ? Operating pressure low on %4
10515 ! Pressure exceeds limits on %4
10516 ! Setpoint exceeds limits on %4
10517 ! Pressure out of control on %4
10518 ! Voltage exceeds limits on %4
10519 ! Operating pressure low
-- SAM Pulsed Valve 10768-11023
10768 ! Valve 1 operation failure on %4
10769 ! Valve 2 operation failure on %4
10770 ! Valve 3 operation failure on %4
10771 ! Valve 4 operation failure on %4
10772 ! Valve 5 operation failure on %4
10773 ! Valve 6 operation failure on %4
10774 ! Valve 7 operation failure on %4
10775 ! Valve 8 operation failure on %4
11536 ! General RSP communication error on %4



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