red 发表于 2019-7-3 14:27:34

Protea 公司atmosFIR FTIR 获得中国CPA批准证书

atmosFIR FTIR Pattern Approval Certificate of the People’s Republic of ChinaatmosFIR FTIR 获得中国批准证书
    The atmosFIR range of FTIR multigas analysers, for fixed emissions, portable emissions and process analysis, have been awarded pattern approval. This demonstrates Protea’s analysers have successfully passed technical and metrological tests and is permitted for use. This demonstrates Protea’s commitment to product development and supporting our partners in the People’s Republic of China.   atmosFIR系列FTIR多气体分析仪,用于固定排放,便携式排放和过程分析,已获得批准。 这表明Protea的分析仪已成功通过技术和计量测试,并允许使用。 这充分表明Protea致力于产品开发并支持我们在中国的合作。

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